Advantages of MongoDB Know Main Benefits Of Using MongoDB

MongoDB is a database which designed for big data storage and query, aims at Social Network applications like Facebook. MongoDB offers a robust platform to store content when building content management systems for websites, particularly those with a wide variety of text, images, videos and plugins to organize. MongoDB isn’t just suited for processing massive volumes of data – its strengths can apply to an application of any size that requires processing varied data types from various sources.

MongoDB Advantages

Actually get started in MongoDB or many other databases is pretty easy, but to know when and where it use it is hard. In comparison to other relational databases, performance optimization is simple. It can manage both organized and unstructured data in a variety of applications by integrating with other popular programming languages. The lack of a set relational structure means that submitting a query requires far less processing power to search and retrieve than with a relational database.

As a result, there is an appreciable degree of versatility in storing, managing, and accessing data. Versatility adds a great advantage when storing big and uncategorized data. Harness the potential of database sharding to distribute the database into several clusters. With database sharding, you will get an increased storage capacity and also quicken the query response rate. Enables faster access of the data due to its nature of using the internal memory for the storage.

Understanding MongoDB: Advantages of a Document-Oriented NoSQL Database

Non-compliance can cause business disruption, revenue losses, fines, penalties, and settlement costs. This is why it is crucial for businesses to adhere to compliances. Some of the most suggested ways in which organizations can reduce their compliance cost are by checking the security effectiveness score by using a well-known indexing method. Vanta, a leading company that provides automated security and compliance services uses MongoDB Atlas to provide efficient security and compliance services. MongoDB helped the business to model their data and access it in a flexible manner, enabled faster integration of new features, and reduced downtime.

  • It is possible to use MongoDB to support content management systems, online and offline gaming apps, e-commerce systems, mobile applications, data analytics sections, archiving, and logging.
  • Within minutes, you will be able to connect to your database using the provided connection string.
  • Technology is dynamically evolving and even the slightest of the upgrades change the course of the business operations.
  • There were two main reasons for this transition – MongoDB allows flexibility with Schema and facilitates horizontal scalability.
  • NoSQL databases were created in internet and cloud computing eras that made it possible to more easily implement a scale-out architecture.
  • MongoDB, on the other hand, stores its data records in structures known as documents.

One can learn “Storing Log Data” Document to know about the approaches and several ways to store and model machine-generated data with MongoDB. They can also determine the Hierarchical Aggregation Method to store and process hierarchical reports from raw event data according to the minute, hour, or day. Some documents are called MongoDB Use Case documents, which will help in introducing the operations used, designs, and patterns in MongoDB application development. Data Modeling Strategies and Application Design will be highlighted in these documents. If you are a beginner and would like to learn more, check out our digital marketing training from top universities. Moreover, MongoDB is capable of storing large volumes of biometric data and images.

NoSQL databases have become popular because they store data in simple straightforward forms that can be easier to understand than the type of data models used in SQL databases. SQL databases are most often implemented in a scale-up architecture, which is based on using ever-larger computers with more CPUs and more memory to improve performance. Defining Complex-Data– MongoDB allows embedded documents to define nested structures. Nested documents are documents where a document is present inside a document. It is helpful when a one-to-many relationship exists between documents. Best of all, MongoDB supports specialized data formats like geospatial format, that result in a resilient repository that remains unbroken even after edits.


This flexibility is an incredible advantage when dealing with real-world data and changing in business rules or requirements. Try MongoDB, the primer NoSQL database, in the cloud with MongoDB Atlas. With key-value and column-oriented stores, new values and new columns can be added without disrupting the current structure. DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 — A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Highly motivated, self-starting developer seeking to launch a career building web applications and services.

Database selection plays a significant role in overall product development. How seamlessly you can edit, update, retrieve or delete depends on the database you choose. Of the two database types – non-relational and relational databases, you must choose the best fit based on your individual needs. You would have probably heard about the most in-demand database MongoDB, which is a NoSQL and a very popular document database.

MongoDB Advantages

This way, you keep your costs at a minimum, while still having the flexibility to handle sudden traffic bursts. When it comes to write performance, MongoDB offers functionalities to insert and update multiple records at once with insertMany and updateMany. These two functions offer a significant performance boost when compared to batched writes in traditional databases.

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Even government agencies have started using MongoDB to store and manage tons of data. MongoDB is an open source database server product and is thus customizable with the requirement. In MongoDB, no schema compatibility issue arises during database migrations.

MongoDB Advantages

In relational model, the comment will be stored as an individual table and retrieved by joining post table and comment table. When querying, you get everything from that one document, no reference to other documents, that one document can be identified by an id. Thus get a document is a key value query, not a relational query.

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These days many companies are looking for certified MongoDB professionals to make use of MongoDB Database. Then, weigh how much data you expect your application will need to store and use. MongoDB’s document-oriented design makes it a great choice for applications that need to store large amounts of unstructured data.

There is an increase in data redundancy which takes up unnecessary space in the memory. It means that it has a dynamic schematic architecture that works with non-structured data and storage. If MongoDB cannot use an index or indexes to sort the fields in a document, MongoDB initiates a blocking data sort operation.

This multiplayer game requires scalability to allow such a large number of players to use the platform. Since scalability is one of the most remarkable features of MongoDB, EA uses it to run multiple servers. MongoDB can easily handle complicated things that need synchronization with each other entirely.

MongoDB Advantages

There were two main reasons for this transition – MongoDB allows flexibility with Schema and facilitates horizontal scalability. Shutterfly is using MongoDB Atlas as its database application. The business is running multiple Atlas clusters and efficiently managing thousands of transactions every minute.

Distinctive features of MongoDB

Although the performance analysis of MongoDB is exceptionally superb, perhaps there is no transaction support, and indeed the database uses very high memory for storage. However, the striking features you get for using MongoDB should not be sacrificed for the high-memory cost. Easily Accessible– Another reason for using MongoDB is that it supports almost all the major programming languages C, C++, C#, Java, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, and many more. Also, MongoDB has excellent community-supported drivers for low popular programming languages too. You can also host MongoDB on its cloud service, MongoDB Atlas, which offers both a community-driven open source and a premium Enterprise Edition.

Mobility and Scaling

While its document-based and schemaless design may not supplant the relational database model any time soon, Mongo’s rapid growth highlights its value as a tool worth understanding. It is possible to use MongoDB to support content management systems, online and offline gaming apps, e-commerce systems, mobile applications, data analytics sections, archiving, and logging. It provides official drivers for most popular programming languages and development environments.

To make querying MongoDB database more efficient, it support indexing which implemented by B-Tree, index can be defined on unique field or multiple fields, just like MySQL index. The second performance advantage provided by MongoDB is scalability. That is, to add more machines as the data and traffic grows and keep the responsive speed and availability. If you have worked with relational database before, you may heard the name “denormalization”. It’s a process that aggregate data from different tables in to one table to avoid join operations.

So the best practice is you should store as much as possible information in the single document, avoid spreading data across multiple documents, in RDBMS this process called denormalization. This advantage makes agile development possible, because unlike MongoDB vs PostgreSQL relational model, the JSON data can almost seamlessly fit into the OOP model which most programming language support today. In traditional database model you need ORM framework like Hibernate to deal with the mismatch between OOP and relational model.

With more than 15 million downloads, MongoDB has become the most preferred database and is used by programmers globally. Keep on reading to know more about MongoDB, its advantages, why to use it, and where it can be used. It supports the common authentication mechanisms, such as LDAP, AD, and certificates. Users can connect to MongoDB over SSL and the data can be encrypted. Line 2 creates a “student” object and Line 3 adds the document to the collection.

When it comes to write performance, MongoDB offers functionality to insert and update multiple records at once with insertMany and updateMany. These two functions offer a significant performance increase when compared to batch writes to traditional databases. We can easily reproduce this same model in MongoDB by simply creating two collections, one for clients and one for addresses.